Advice for Future Leaders

This post is for 'All Future Leaders' to read and start on their path to becoming the Leaders of Tomorrow!


Mike A. Fagundes

4/11/20235 min read

children standing on bridge
children standing on bridge

Advice for Future Leaders!

The Future Needs You!!!

I know this can be a bit of a scary thought, but if you are reading this blog then you are or have the potential to be a Future Leader.

I Don't know how aware you are of the current crisis there is in our world. But it is time for a new type of leader to rise up. We need the type of leader that will stand for what's right and believe that equality for all people is not just for one class or type of person. We need leaders that can know the difference between:

  • truth and a lie

  • fact and opinion

  • feeling and emotion

  • corruption and integrity

What we need is... YOU and P2G Found can be the one place to help develop you into becoming that leader we all need to help save this world and that can be you.

Leadership is Teachable

Leadership is a skill that you can learn and develop with some proper training. There is no one right way to be a leader, but there are some common traits that most great leaders share, and by knowing these traits you can learn what yours is too. If you are aspiring to be a leader, here are a few pieces of advice that may help you on your journey to becoming a The Leader of Tomorrow:

  • Be confident. Being confident is key to being a successful leader. If you are not confident in yourself, it will be difficult for others to be confident in you. Yet, this is a learnable skill too and we do train you on how to become more confident in the S. Rogers course within our H.E.R.O. Program.

  • Be decisive. Leaders are confident in the way they make decisions. You cannot afford to second-guess yourself or be indecisive. When a decision needs to be made, you as the leader need to be able to make a decision and move on. This is why the proper information from your team about the problem and you having accountability with and within the team is the best way to find a solution that will work so that you can make that decision with confidence.

  • Be a good communicator. Leadership and communication with your followers effectively, go hand in hand. You need to be able to clearly articulate your vision and goals and need to be able to listen to and understand the concerns of your team.

  • Be a good listener. As Epictetus said, "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak." This is sound advice, (after all, this post is all about giving advice to future leaders. As I have mentioned above, a leader needs to be a good listener. They need to be able to listen to the concerns of their followers and understand their needs. They also need to be able to listen to feedback and criticism.

  • Be a good problem solver. This is the fun part of leadership but most people think that solving problems is more of a problem in itself instead of an essential skill for Leaders to have. You then need to identify the problems, develop new solutions, and implement those solutions as a team. The H.E.R.O. Program helps to show you how to create a mini mastermind group to do this. Remember the leaders of the past stood alone, the new leadership principles we train on are based on never being alone. You also need to make sure you are humble and accountable to your team to be able to learn from your mistakes and adapt your solutions as needed. Leadership is a process not an absolute.

  • Be a good motivator. Motivation and leadership go hand in hand. As a leader, you are always needing to find creative ways to motivate your teams. The capacity to inspire your team to achieve great things comes more easily the more you know about your team. From knowing your team and their motivations you can better provide encouragement and support when things get tough to raise their spirits and trust in you.

  • Be a good role model. Leaders need to walk the walk as well as talk the talk, and be a role model for your teams. You should be able to set a good example and live by the values they espouse. By holding yourself accountable to your word, your team, and your bosses. Humility goes a long way with people (See Here Brown's Book Dare to Lead). When you are willing to admit when you are wrong and learn from your mistakes. You can build stronger relationships with your team and therefore a stronger team.

Leadership can be a Challenge

Being a leader is a challenging but rewarding experience. It is never going to be easy, but it will become the most fulfilling work you can ever experience. If you are willing to do the work and put in the dedication, you can become a great leader.

All of the skills of leadership can be taught. You can be taught to be more confident, and decisive; how to communicate better, be a better listener, and problem solver, how to motivate others, and become a role model to the people in your life. All of these are learnable skills, but the only thing that can't be taught is how to say yes to the challenge and most important to have the determination to stay with it.

From my own experience:

I have been serving a couple of churches as a volunteer youth pastor for almost two decades. Even to this day as I write this post; I don't see myself as well-spoken, articulate, educated, or as experienced as my peers and my circle of friends. But in spite of not measuring up to the credentials that they and my former youth who are now college graduates (I'm a high school dropout). I have still learned how to build a rapport with the youth and young adults that I work with. It all came because of the lessons I have learned over the years of trial and error, studying from other leaders of the past and mentors in my life. I have gone from a shy reclusive person to becoming a shy reclusive Leader.

I still suck at being a great conversationalist or feeling comfortable in large groups, and that's okay. I am a Leader, I am a Mentor, I am a Husband to my wife, and someday a father to our children, I am Pastor, I am Michael "Mike" A. Fagundes. I would not have had the nerve to be all these things and face the challenges that come from all of it if it wasn't for all the leadership books I read, the mentorships, and the training I have taken over the years to become the leader I am today. IF YOUR READY To Start the process of your training. Click Here to preregister for the next H.E.R.O. Program.

My challenge for you:

Are you willing to dare to change and grow into becoming the Leader that Tomorrow needs?

If you like this post? Check out this other post on Types of Leadership.