We Will Help You Grow Your

Church & Leadership While Showing Training You All How To Grow Your Finances.

Deuteronomy 15:6 KJV

For the LORD thy God blesseth thee, as he promised thee: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, but thou shalt not borrow, and thou shalt reign over many nations, but they shall not reign over thee.

Poor 2 Glee Foundation Ministries

(P2G Found Min)

P2G Foundation Ministries Logo
P2G Foundation Ministries Logo

Pastor Michael




*S.M.E. Wealth Preservation Strategist

Life, Accident, Health & HMO

Texas General Lines Agent #3130453:

License NPN#7871891

Call Me ‪(832) 987-2713‬ to protect your family and future.

*SME (Subject Matter Expert)


Scan The QrCode to Book a Free Consultation w/ Pastor Michael

Life & Health Insurance Field Underwriter

Preserve your income and health needs with a budget you can afford.

a magnifying glass sitting on top of a piece of paper
a magnifying glass sitting on top of a piece of paper
woman sitting on gray couch with 5 children
woman sitting on gray couch with 5 children
Tax-Free College Planing on any Budget

Yes, it is possible to set aside a Life Long Tax-Free investment for your family that can be used to pay for college, no matter the size of your family.

Debt Free Life Logo
Debt Free Life Logo

"Until Debt Tear Us Apart"? Not on My Watch!

With Our Debt Free Life Program You Will Get Out of Debt in Less Time While Building up a Safety/Emergency/Investment Fund at the Same Time.

Impossible, You Say!

Contact Me and I Will Show You How.

Until debt tear us apart printed red brick wall at daytime
Until debt tear us apart printed red brick wall at daytime

Stress-Free Retirement Planning

401k's and IRA's can run out if not funded properly or given enough time in the Ups and Downs of the daily markets.

But we have the right 0% investment loss of invested capital strategies along with income that will keep going as long as you are. Don't Lose or ever run out of your hard earned income.

woman in brown coat sitting on brown wooden bench near white cruise ship during daytime
woman in brown coat sitting on brown wooden bench near white cruise ship during daytime
city buildings during night time
city buildings during night time
Be the Bank and Lend to Others:

We can Show You How to Create a Personalized Family Bank Strategy

brown and black wooden house
brown and black wooden house
Mortgage Protection

When Life takes away your greatest asset to your family, we can help to Pay Your Mortgage to Keep Your Home.